Sunday, March 1, 2009

Then I'll Dig A Tunnel, From My Window To Yours


Hi darling gorgeous creature of my undersea aquarium. Things getting a wee more cramped these days are they? You now react and respond even more quickly and strongly when I play the poking game, but I can tell it is not as easy for you to roll around in there as it once was. I can't believe you are over 30 weeks baked in there already! If you came out now you would have over a 95% chance of making it, and less than a 30% chance of serious medical problems. Now, I don't want to see you this early, don't get me wrong. Despite the fact that I dread your packing on 1/2 a pound a week until week 40 (thus packing it on me, as well), I still prefer to see you rosy pink and plump at the proper end of this journey.

You must know by now how very much you are loved. Did you hear all the hearts pounding around you at the baby shower last Sunday? Daddy and I are so grateful and blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. Everyone at the shower was so carefree and happy, and everyone meshed so perfectly! I want that entire group to go camping when you are old enough, and I can show you the trees and bugs. I wore a beautiful blue long dress, and everyone complimented me on how glowing your presence is making me. Shanon and Ellen and Tammany, my lovely planners, did such a great job making yummy food and even a Snork cake! It was so sad to hug them goodbye when they had to leave. But the fact that they flew out here from NY and LA was just further indication of how much you are loved, little one! Even Grandma and Grandpa showed up, conquering a 20-hour drive, to celebrate your glory and goodness. Oh, and to take part in stuffing ourselves full of Brazilian food at the Fogo De Chao. Yes, never again will I EVER eat that much. I kept us both up with heartburn that entire night due to a tummy full of salty garlic meat goodness. It was almost worth it, almost. They also helped us look for our new house! Which leads me to my next point...

I think we might have our house picked out! It is a two-story house off of Anderson Mill, in a cozy neighborhood with canopied trees. Daddy can ride his bike to work. I can walk you around the neighborhood and feel safe and filled with visual delight. Our realtor is SOOOO good. Really, we have had a great time all hanging out with one another (which for today was a 6-hour excursion!) Today we got to spend half the day with his 6-year-old daughter, Sadie. I had so much fun playing with her, getting her view of the house, me and her and daddy planning how to organize the backyard. I got absolute joy being around her. When her Mom came to pick her up she said "noooo" and nestled against me. It was so cute, she wanted to spend more time hanging out with us. She even told her Mom that, "but I want to go with them!" Her Dad said that was a huge compliment since she normally hates to ride around with him while he's looking at houses for work. So back to the is a late 80s house, so it is not the most modern. However, we could do a lot of small inexpensive updates to the kitchen, deck, to make it look really updated and nice. The yard is huge! It is two stories and has three bedrooms, three baths. A really open living room. New carpet, new air conditioner, new siding. We a very charmed by it. It is such a huge investment but really the house is such a good deal and in a very nice neighborhood with houses that turnover in less than 60 days typically spent on market. We haven't given it a 100% yes yet. We want to make sure that it is right for us. But we are very optimistic about it. For a first home it is a great buy and it is such a great time to be taking advantage of this.

Ok, darling. I will expound more later of the going-ons. Daddy needs to go to bed and my rapid fire typing is keeping him up.

We love you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arcade Fire. Tammany likes this!

I'm glad you probably found a house! That's a nice neighborhood. I am sad we won't be neighbors though.