Monday, April 19, 2010


Holden squealed and whined until Chris took him out to bask in the rain. He is such a mini-me. I got a Calvin Klein picture out of it. My boys are so beautiful.

Holden wears protective eyewear that Chris dons to change messy poo

And we had an awesome time at Aiden's 1st birthday party, where Chris played soccer with Holden and a little partygoer.

And Holden's first go at football (the real kind):

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We Love Webers!

The Webers came to visit while Chris was out of town this week to keep me company and help with the baby. I very much appreciate the consideration due to the expanding size of my belly and we had a totally bodacious time. Holden named Grandma "Apple" and Grandpa "Banana." We ate fondue, got pedicures (the ladies, at least), and spent way too much at Costco (for which Chris and I are eternally grateful thank yoooou). They leave tomorrow and we are all so sad:( It's hard getting used to having family around and that feeling of unity and community and then saying bye. But we will see them again soon so there are great thing to look forward to!

Holden continues to amaze us every day. He is almost a year old and the smartest, sweetest, most talkative little thing I've ever met. Today Chris and I played a game where we handed him an object then told him to bring it to dada (or mama) while in different rooms, and he would wheel his walker into the other room and hand the person the object! He brought me my sunglasses which rocked. Hahaha. He's so brilliant and so beautiful. He is the very sun. It is so hard to imagine loving another child as much, but I know it will happen. Today Chris and I toured the LnD at the local hospital in Cedar Park. It is small (only 4 labor rooms) but so homey and nice. We really liked it. Now for finding a dr that I like that delivers there. Yes, I am officially in my third trimester and still searching for a dr. Ugh. Hopefully this week that problem will be solved.

Holden and I have a gym membership and have been swimming almost every day! It is so nice to float around and he already starts kicking and trying to swim when in the water. I hold him so his belly is floating and he kicks right along! He loves the huge fountain mushroom:) It has been brilliant weather-wise here. We have been outside enjoying ourselves. It is maybe odd, but it is like I am experiencing the excitement of summertime and swimming and bbqs and all that as I did when I was a child. I have always prided myself on being able to maintain a childlike sense of wonder and perspective....but this is entirely different. It is truly the re-living of a pure sense of excitement, happiness, anticipation that I remember as a kid. I think it is obviously related to Holden and living life with him and Chris as our little protected family unit. And I think a large part is that I am fortunate to not have to work and have the dredging soul-sucking corporate politics involved in my life on a daily basis. Whatever it is I am breathlessly grateful for the lightness of my soul.

Oh, his 1-year-birthday. How I am so simultaneously proud and sad at the same time. We will be in the mountains with Grandparents McAloon. I can not wait to show him my waterfall that I named Baukie after my blanket as a kid and all the wonderful smells and sights!

We are thinking of naming our new boy Casey Finn. It basically means brave (casey) and fair or blonde (finn) in Irish. So right now that is our choice! We can't wait to meet our little man.

My beautiful man looks so grown up!