Sunday, May 31, 2009

Week in Review (what is that from???)

Baby boy is over a month old! We had to retire his newborn clothes:( Little guy is growing so fast! We got through our first week sans Chris's 24/7 is all downhill from here!

We successfully navigated Target without major meltdown...

We went hiking in Great Hills Park and saw beautiful acts of god like this overarching grapevine.

We searched for stray peanuts to no avail.

We were calmed by Daddy.

And gazed skyward...

We wore overalls and sent a pic to Grandma Weber

We were visited by Auntie Tammany who gave us the most hilarious and unique picture ever of the animals as Russian Nesting Dolls!
We were given this gorgeous and old-manish handmade elephant: Louis....Thank you Ellen!!!!

And for Holden's 4-week-old birthday...Daddy gave Holden his first belly farts...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Salad Days

I love that phrase and it is appropriate so yay I get to use it. These are salad days! Holden and I napped, read and ate throughout the morning. This was after he went to sleep for almost 6 hours straight last night! I actually woke up terrified and ran in and checked to make sure he was still breathing. Bad move, since I stirred him from sleep. But whatever, I was paranoid.

He will be a month old tomorrow. I really can't believe how quickly the time has gone and how much he and I and Chris have changed in such a short time. We have adjusted to one another and our new house. Holden has gone from a blob (albeit, cute blob) to a giggling, smiling, observing joy. He still melts down and we are still getting him used to hanging out while not being held (which is his favorite activity, snuggling) but he is doing so great on the sleep front and on developing a comfort with the things around him. I love the new noises he makes. Today it was sort of a coo after he smiled.

Today we strolled on down to the park and he didn't freak out once in his stroller, which is new. He absolutely loves being outdoors and it immediately calms him. We sat on a picnic bench and looked around for a while until some shady dude walked into the bushes near us and kept coughing regularly. I didn't want to bust his crops so we left. The geese had a few more stray eggs hanging in the park and they were totally ignoring them and hanging out with their duck posse. Poor eggs. Now Holden is still chillaxin in his stroller near me looking around. ( I love when he just hangs out in new environments and is ok with it.

Gluttonous Sultanfus

Holden is passionate about keeping it weird

Evening activities

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's such a gorgeous sight, to see you eat in the middle of the night

Holden slept 2 five hour stretches last night! Thank the lord. It is hard for me to sleep though anyway, I always have one eye (ear?) open.

We successfully made it through our first day with Chris at work. Of course, he came home at lunch to see how we were. He made me a sandwhich then changed a poopy diaper and put him in the car for me. I am forever amazed at how good a man he is. I just can't imagine doing this with anyone else. I am so lucky for such a beautiful (and sultry!) soul. And I am lucky that my son has his beautiful eyes and arched eyebrows. Even when Holden is squawking I can't stop gaping at those perfect eyebrows. They crush me.

Holden and I ventured to Walmart and the bank. First public outing sans father. Holden had a stage 2 meltdown in Walmart, rightfully so. It sucks there and it smells.

Here he is dancing to his favorite song. He absolutely adores Neil Young. Good baby. Sometimes this song is the only thing that calms him down, like when I filmed this video. He particularly enjoys the guitar solo, as you shall see by his dancing.

God I love this kid so much it grinds me to bits.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

La Conception

Chris just said this aloud. He is reading to Holden. I am not sure if this is G material but it makes me chuckle regardless. He also said Fuente and is using a Spanish accent. It's pure awesomeness.

We are having a lazy Sunday after our dramatic day yesterday. Grandparents Weber are coming up in a few weeks, yay! They are helping out when Chris leaves for the first time for work out of town, boo! We can't wait to see them. I wonder how much different Holden will look to them since they last saw him a few days old? Even now his little face seems so much more adult like and alert.

I woke up this morning (ok afternoon, baby was up late even though he still managed 4 hour stretches in his car seat hehe) and had such an overwhelming feeling of excitement, rightness, and contentedness, that I felt like I did when I was a kid and had something super exciting coming a birthday trip to Disney World. These are trying times but beautiful times. Chris was a bit more grouchy. Holden wasn't as easy on him during the second sleep shift.

I put Holden in one of Auntie Lesley's gifted outfits: red suspenders with airplanes on them. It is so cute even if he feels a bit silly about being in a jumper!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

For every kiss you give me, I'll give you three

We have had a great couple of days. Holden has been more and more interested in hanging out and looking around, rather than eating, sleeping, pooping, crying in standard newborn form. We have had some great walks and talks in the park at night (until Holden's crying woke the neighborhood dogs and set them a'howling) and today we met up with Julie and John at the wine festival. We had a great time with HC in Daddy's Bjorn until it starting pouring rain and lightning. Sylvia, Julie's baby, and Holden, were ushered by the kindly winery owners into the back of the tent so they would be dry. We still found ourselves standing in a river of water that careened over electrical wires. It was unexpectedly terrifying but Daddy hatched a great plan and sprung us free admist the storm. I had Holden in the Bjorn with towels over him and an umbrella and Chris had his arm around me and a trashbag on. The baby made it out dry and promptly thanked us with a poo that I got to change in the back of the car. Sounds like it would be a disaster but we found ourselves laughing and making memories anyway.

Onto the important news...sleep. Last night we put Holden in his miracle blanket and then into his carseat. He slept for 4.5 hours!!! I woke up worried about him 2 hours into it, so I still didn't get awesome sleep. It's funny, I never would have thought I'd allow him to sleep anywhere but his crib...but in an effort to nab every Z we can we will resort to pretty much anything. Except co-sleeping. We did that for 2 weeks and no more. It lends itself to awful sleep. The carseat in the other room will work for now. We will transition him over to his crib when he is old enough to be sleep-trained and cry it out (I know, what evil people that we are planning to do this to him, right?). That is around 3 months.

He will be a month old on Thursday! I can't believe how quickly this time has gone by. It has been exhausting and the hardest thing I have ever done. But still we have cemented such great memories and such a textured new life with our little man. Every day things become a little more comfortable and routine, which works for me as I thrive in that environment.

Some pictures:

Julie and John and rain

A poor lone goose egg made me sad

Sleepy HC

Miette hurt her nail and caught a ride home in the BeirCarten.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Smile Like the Sun

We all took a jaunt to Wild Basin Preserve. Holden loves swaying in my sling and we read him all the mile markers about the various plants and trees. Like basket grass...lame! Then later, he practiced his smiling.

Magic rock bridge of yore for mom and dad

view from inside the sling

I have practice as a marsupial Momma thanks to Miette

Daddy carries our water in his empty Bjorn

Holden can already get up on his knees, we are rather terrified at what this means when he starts walking (at 5 months?!)

Holden debuts his grin fit for the silver screen. The camera work is in disrepair; I had to try to smile around the side of it whilst filming.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Holden Takes Bath

We have had a rough day! Holden has been fussin and he spit up on me. Then two seconds later, in his bath, he won me over with his dancing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Up all night; sleep all day

Ok, not exactly. Holden is still pretty good about sleeping at night compared to the horror stories you hear. But, he does get up about every 3-4 hours and cry. Sometimes just because he misses us, I think. So sometimes we find ourselves caving under the fatigue and bringing him into our room to sleep on our chests. He is immediately calmed that way. In fact, he is sleeping on my chest now. It is a hard balance because we don't want him only sleeping on our chests...but think he should be ok since he does sleep just fine in car seat, bouncer, swing, bjorn. Speaking of Bjorn, Chris totes him around in that thing all the time. Even if we are just hanging out at home. He says that it is his own private time with him, since I got 9 months of it. He equates the front hanging weight of the baby as what it must have been like for me to cart him in my body. Well yes, if you slap on the backaches, lack of comfortable sleep, and constant urination toward the end.

It is weird though, I do find myself missing some of the things about being pregnant, though rarely. It is more like a nostalgia for how quickly time is passing. The pregnancy has passed, Holden's first days have passed, his original due date has passed. He is almost 2 weeks old now! I find myself trying hard to grip onto every detail of this time. It is a trying time for sure...what with the lack of routine and trying to establish every bit we can. Fatigue, worry. But it is also a beautiful time. My world has grown both infinitely smaller and infinitely bigger all at once. Smaller, in that we spend a lot of time at home (though we get out once a day it is our rule) and do not go out and have fancyfree time. Bigger, in that this little world that we have created, where we take stroller walks down to the park and hug on the bench while watching Holden sleep, where we cuddle up on the couch when the baby is sleeping, where, like now, I have the baby sleeping on my chest and Chris sleeping curled up next to my side, is just so much more meaningful and larger and beautiful and textured than anything I have ever witnessed or experienced. Our little family is finding its way and we spend much more time laughing and crying at how gorgeous our life and child is than we do complaining about being tired (though that does happen!). We look out for each other. Chris makes sure that I eat and we take little trips, even if they are small, to just re-engage with the world.

For instance, for Mother's Day we went down to the Laguna Gloria park and put Holden in the Bjorn and looked at the peacocks and held hands looking out at the lake. We even stopped and had dinner at a Mexican Restaurant overlooking the hills and I got a margarita. The baby got formula and then spit up on Chris's shirt (second time Chris got nailed, first was urine at the doctor's office).

The tapestry of the world is different now. Where before everything I had seen in Austin was something I'd seen before, it now takes on an entirely different shape. Our little man is in the world, growing and thriving and screaming and making funny faces at us....wanting nothing but food and love. Holden rewarded me for being such a good Mommy by leaving me a balloon, card, and beautiful blue necklace in his crib for me to find on Mother's Day! I love my boys. I love saying "How are my boys doing?" Chris and I must be insane because through the fog of the fatigue we find ourselves staring at our child and pondering when we might have a sibling for him, such is the great joy and contentment he brings to us.

In big news around these parts...Holden's belly button fell off last night! It was gross but we took a picture of it (we are gross though, Chris asked me if I wanted a picture of my placenta after delivery and I said yes, how could I not be curious). We will save those for our own personal files as I am sure you are glad. Holden is also better about nursing now. It is not such a battle.

However, we did talk to the pediatrician today (we had been worried about his congestion but he is fine) and he actually encourages his patients to supplement with formula. He said there is no proven huge difference between a supplemented baby (or even one fully formula fed) and that of one exclusively breast fed, but there is a huge proven difference in the fatigue level of a mother who is exclusively breastfeeding (up every 2 hours) vs one who supplements. This made me feel better because there is so much dogma around exclusively breastfeeding (not from those close to me thank goodness) that I was feeling guilty about giving him any formula at all. But our pediatrician is a lot like us and laid back and considering both the baby's wellbeing as well as the parent's wellbeing. He definitely would not be right for everyone. Works for us though! We give Holden formula at night and he does sleep longer with it. We also take some formula with us when we go out. I like that the formula is forified with iron and DHA which is lacking in the breast milk. Though for sure I am not going to say that formula feeding is superior, because it isn't. But I like the system we are settling into and happy that we are getting some routine going. Chris is happy that we are supplementing because it has allowed him a lot more bonding time with the baby during feedings. Works for me (catching more z's).

Other big news is that Holden's penis is fully healed so we no longer have to dab Vaseline and gauze over his circumcision site, AND he's gained a ton of weight! Exactly a week ago he was 7 lbs 5 oz, now he is 7 lbs, 12 oz. He's thriving!

Grandma McAloon sent us pics from Holden's first few days on this rock...I love them:

About 5 mins after giving birth...exhausted but happy

Coming out of a vagina is tough business.

Mom feeds baby

The boys!

Nurse Mom

Holden loves to hold hands:)

Loving Grandpa

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Dad feeds baby

The girls!

And some randoms:

Chris dances with Holden

First stroller ride! Grandparents McAloon bought Holden a "Keep Austin Weird" bumper sticker, which we stuck to the back of his stroller. We plan to add more political/social statements to it as we go. He is an impassioned feller.

Ok I gotta shake this little guy awake!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5 Hours!

HC slept for 5 hours last night! He was fussin at the is an ongoing battle for us since little one is hooked to the formula drug. Ugh. But he is getting better. The best news is that his bilirubin went down and yesterday Dr. Dawson told us that we no longer have to test him and he is "the perfect baby."

As if I didn't already know this.

In other news, I have pooed finally. My fear of pooing is now gone and I no longer feel like I have another baby about to be born because of constipation. My milk has also come in, which took 5 days and worried me that it wouldn't happen. But it has and my boobs are huge melons. My stomach has deflated almost back to what it was, but it's sort of weird looking. I don't know how to describe it. But I can't wait to start on some crunches in a month or so.

Being with Holden in our Keep has been wonderful. It was made especially wonderful when we had our families here. On Saturday night all the grandparents and Ward were over at the house and we all had wine and cheese. And Tammany (who was my hospital friend btw, she brought flowers and smiles during and after HC's birth!) and Kyle and Andrew came over too. I loved seeing our house so full of love and excitement for Holden. I miss our families so much. I don't know if this is part of the "baby blues" everyone says you get....but I just feel very sensitive and nostalgic for having had everyone here and I wish we all lived closer.

I can't get over how beautiful Holden is. If I could sculpt a child at a Build-a-Baby workshop, I would create this exact baby. I love the extreme arch of his eyebrows, particulary when he gets angry and they go soaring up. I love his upturned little nose and big lips. His round cheeks and big blue eyes. And he's so perfectly plump you just want to eat him all up.

Holden will be a week old tomorrow and I can't believe it has gone so fast already! Already I am nostalgic for that first moment seeing him born, for watching him in his little basket wheeling around the hospital, sleeping with him on my chest for the first time. He becomes more and more his own person every day. He loves to be sung to and will stare into my eyes for 20 mins as I sing him songs, he is so so so stubborn just like his mom and dad, he is so strong and can lift his head completely upright when on his tummy and already roll on his side, he loves loves to be cuddled and hates to be naked (unless he is outside in which case he luxuriates with his belly in the sun like a lizard).

I already feel like a different person in just a few days. I know everyone says not to be consumed by the baby. To not let them become everything you think about. But it is hard to not want to be awake playing with him all the time despite pure exhaustion, or to put off lunch in favor of watching him open and close his starfish hands as he swings in his rainforest swing and looks out the window at the birds. Chris and I will just sit there and stare at him. Even his funny little farts and burps delight us.

This is not to say it is a cakewalk. Sleeplessness like this is not for the weak of heart. When we do get to sleep together and are not on opposite shifts, Chris and I will cling to eachother like people drowning. Gulping sleep like air.

There is nothing but living in the moment with a baby. It is the only option. You fly by the seat of your pants and you have to give up the idea of everything being planned perfectly because it is impossible. But it is such a momentous joy to see this little life that you and your lover created. That wouldn't exist if not for you. This perfect soul descended down from whatever heaven must be. To think of your child and your family and appreciate life in a new way, instead of directing life from the perspective of yourself as an individual entity going throughout the world thinking of self satifisfaction. I just can't wait to see every little new thing. His first smile, first word, watch his features develop and see what sorts of things he likes and dislikes. It's said that you will never really know love until you have a child. I always thought this was rather annoying. But I daresay it is a way. There is love you feel to your significant other which is extraordinary, and that to your friends. But the love you feel toward your child is the type of self-sacrificing joan of arc shit upon which the galaxy's primordial soup must have existed.

Ok time to rouse him for the Battle of the Boob.

Some pictures of our little boy, who is a week old tomorrow (sob!)

this is the first pic that i snapped of our baby. he still prefers to be swaddled with his hands out. \

2nd pic I took of him with his big Buddha belly. That went down after his large meconium poo that chris was fortunate enough to change...

it cracks me up how beautiful he looks, even in standard issue hospital garb.

beautiful peaceful boy sleeps with his legs crossed like mama.

gorgeous father and son.

tummy time is the best time. Holden does prefer the one sock look.

snoozin in grandpa mcaloon's baby hat!

cradled in love. he is so tiny!

i love how you can just mess with kids and aint nothing they can do about it! ;)

More pics to come...fam pics and professional photog pics!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Holden Christopher Weber

As I write this, Holden is lying on my chest sleeping. His adorably rounded cheeks cut a curve in what was once just space and air a mere 5 days ago. He is 4 days old. And he is perfect.

Thursday, April 30th, I awoke at 6.45 am after a restless few hours of sleep. I felt crampy and my netherregions felt liquidy (yes this may be TMI for some so be warned). I went to the potty and noticed there was more of liquid. I didn't think too much of this, pregnancy is full of irksome and undignifed leaks and pains, but it did put me a bit on alert, since this was the first quite of its kind. "Baby," I said to Chris.
"Ergh," said the sleepy male.
"I am a little worried my water is breaking."
"What is it like?"
"A lot of fluid, I don't know." How was I supposed to really understand it much less explain it?
I paced a bit, then went back to the toliet to sit in full Thinker pose. At this point a full on gush of fluid came out. I went into panic mode, making a shrill animal-like groan of fear. What if something was wrong, what if it wasn't my water? What if it was and here I am about to have a baby and can I really go through labor? Can I really be a MOTHER?!
Chris came running.
I called the doctor's emergency line, then took a shower while Chris packed our hospital bag (we were a week exactly from our due date and still unprepared, go us!) The nurse who returned my call was the same nurse I spoke with the day before. I had called her because I was experiencing spotting and cramping after my appointment on the 28th, and then had lost my mucus plug on the 29th. I wanted to know if it was ok for Chris and I to go out to dinner or if I needed to be on red alert.
"Oh no," she said somewhat scornfully about the silly question she had said to answer afterhours when all she most likely wanted to do was sit down with a drink and some reality television. "Losing your mucus plug doesn't mean anything. You could walk around like that for 2 weeks."
Whatever lady, here I am 12 hours later sitting on a toliet as a fountain of girl. 2 weeks my ass.
So she tells me it "could be my water" and suggests I go to Dr. Weihs when they opened at 7.45.
Chris throws Cookie Crunch in a bowl, tells me to eat it, eat SOMETHING, because if I am going into labor it will be a long time. He uses a mixing bowl. He meant serious business about this eating thing. I choke a few minature cookies down as he hustles all our things into the car. I watch him as he packs, amazed that he remembers things like the microwavable thermal heating pad and camera cords. Into the car we go.
As if this whole "breaking water" thing wasn't movie-like enough (only 8% of women break their water on their own), it is rush hour traffic. This is after having to wait in the car as an ornery neighborhood goose stands in our way, looking smug, as I freak out and scream at it. I made up a name for him. "Alabaster," I said, "move from our way." He did. Chris looked at this positively and said that he was wishing us luck.
So yes, rush hour traffic, in Austin, Thursday morning. Chris drives about 10 miles on the shoulder of stopped 183. We have on our hazards, I grip the "oh shit" handle in on hand and my stomach in the other. People still flick us off. Gotta love some people. We make it to the office exactly at 7.45. We are ushered into the office, I am told to pee in a cup. As if this is just some ordinary office visit or something. Dr. Weihs comes in quickly, saying she will check me but it could be anything. She looks at the fluid and immediately says that it looks like amniotic fluid but she will check to make sure. Two seconds after she puts her magic fingers in me I feel liquid heat pouring from me. It doesn't register what in the world this could be. "Oh wow there goes your water," she said. I was only 1 cm dilated. I was scared. She told me that I needed to go to L&D immediately and they needed to start pitocin. I asked her if labor was going to be really difficult considering I was only 1 cm dilated and they were throwing me into artificial labor. She didn't answer right away. "It could be very long," she said.
So we leave and pull right next door to the hospital. Chris asks me if we should get something to eat since the minute I got in there they wouldn't let me eat or drink. I think and say ok, yes we should. I call my parents on the way to Waterloo. I tell them what is going on they are amazed that I went into labor early and that my water broke on its own. I tell them I really want them to be here, I want them to come. Chris's parents do not fly and so I knew they wouldn't make it. They say they will look into flights. After what seems like 30 mins I choke down half a breakfast taco. We go to L&D. The kindly man at the front desk greets us. "Kelly's water broke we need to be admitted," Chris says to us. His 80 year old ass literally runs from his seat. He asks me if I need a wheelchair. No, I say, I will walk. I can do this. Are you sure? He says. Yes.
He leads us around the hospital past registration desk, getting us lost and wasting time. But he was nice so we thank him as he tells us all about his grandkids. The grouchy woman at the nurse's station was not nice. She tells Chris to go register like we were stupid for getting lost. He is brisk back but runs off to check us in. I go into my room. Room 54. Area 54. It is the same room that was used as a model during our hospital tour. I am alone in the room for a few minutes. I take in its space. It is innocuous and still. It holds no meaning but I know that this room is where I will deliver my son, where I will fight and fight to extricate him from my body, where I will cry and yell and experience joy and fear. The nurse comes in, Sarah. She is nice and I am calmed. They hook me up to all sorts of wires. They have to try twice for the IV and blow the first vein. Ok, little rocky start, but I know my veins are hard to poke from being in the hospital previously, so I forgive her. Sarah starts the pitocin at 9 am and I wait. Chris changes into his "I love my nerd" shirt and favorite pajama pants after he showers. I tell him he should shower, he was hesitant. But it woke him up and he looked much more calmed.
At this point I am scared of the pain to come, the unknown ahead, and my blood pressure reflects it. They dip my urine to make sure I didn't just develop pre-eclampsia over night. I haven't. I am just nervous, shocker. The contractions begin and I have to keep peeing and pooping constantly. I handle them ok. I try to remember the lamase classes and how to breath. Chris breaths with me. I am super conscious of his comfort. For some reason I was opposite of how I expected to be in pain. You see in the movies all these angry women curses their husbands. I wanted him to be happy, at ease, I inquire often about him. His positivity buoys me. I get periodically checked by the nurse and Dr. Weihs (who had a funeral to get to, greaaaat). I am progressing. This is good. At noon I have a contraction so bad while peeing that I get that feeling like I am being poisoned. That I will fall on the floor in a white heat and pass out. I ask them please please for narcotics if not the epidural. Nurse Sarah checks to make sure the epi is ok. A half hour after requesting the epidural the anesthesiologist comes in. She is a pretty blonde woman. She is very kind. I loved her. She preps my back as I lean on the side of the bed, arching my back like a cat or trying to. My feet are in Chris's lap and he holds them. My head is lodged firmly in my hands. They give me the local numbing agent. It feels like an angry bee from hell. She inserts the needle and I feel pressure. More terrifying, I start feeling poking and jabbing IN MY SPINE. I tell her this and she administers more numbing agent. I do not feel it again. The worst thing about the epi was the strange crunching bone sensation that goes along with it, and the rooting around in your back, and how long it takes. It took about 5 mins for her to work in there. That was awful. But when she was done, ohhhh ohhhh how I loved her. It's not that you get stoned from it, it is just numbing affecting your lower half. But the lack of pain is so relieving that you feel like you just mainlined heroin. Or whatever I'd imagine that would feel like. At this point I am talkative and bantering with Sarah and Chris.
At around 5 pm I am no longer bantering. The pressure from the baby's head is so great it is almost worse than the contractions. It is difficult to explain how pressure can be painful, but oh how awful it is. It is like you are taking a crap the size of a planet. You feel the baby entirely in your butt. It is strange.
I dilate to 9 centimeters and am almost ready to push. Sarah tells me my pushing should be very short since he is so low. This is when the epi machine starts to scream at us. I realize now that what was an easy labor now has taken a terrible turn. There was a kink in the catheter and the medicine wasn't going into my back. I am feeling more and more pressure. Another anesthesiologist comes in. Tells me he might need to re-do it. This makes my heart sink. But he manages to splice the wires and it is working. He gives me a huge boost of medicine, knowing that I am minutes from pushing. My legs promptly go numb. I begin to feel loopy and begin singing Lionel Richie's "Dancing on the Ceiling" to the ceiling. When it is time to push, I pull on my legs and they feel like slabs of meat. They certainly do not feel like mine. And I have no pain or pressure to push into. It is a pointless effort. The clock restarts.
The epidural is turned completely off. I know I should be scared but I want to meet my son so badly that it doesn't phase me. I want to feel it, I want things to progress. When I feel the urge to poop a planet again an hour later the pushing commences. This is when the second blunder occurs. The doctor on call comes in, puts her hand (yes her hand, thank god for the epi) into my vagina and tell me that the baby is slightly transverse and that each time I am pushing he goes forward, then back into his twisted position even though she tries to turn him. A baby in this position can not be delivered. She tells me that we need to consider the possibility of a c-section.
This is not welcome news. It is around 8 pm and I have been going through this since 6.45. I did not get this far to go into surgery. She has this infuriatingly serene calm about her, but she's also a bully. I do not like this doctor. But at least this anger gets me more motivated to get him out my way.
We try the climbing the rope trick. No go. At this point, Nurse Sarah, who stayed late because she wanted to see Holden born (we hit it off) has to go relieve her babysitter of her daughter. Nurse Stacey (i am spelling it like this because it reminds me of my dear friend stacey k!) comes in. She tells me that if I am not too numb I should try to sit on the middle of the bed, where there is a dip in the plastic mattress thing. So I sit on the edge and Chris sits on the remaining part of the bed. I lean into him and push down, hoping gravity will help me. It feels stupid and I don't believe anything is happening until Stacey tells me that she can feel his head dropped into the birth canal. He is still twisted though. Doctor comes back in, tells me that since he hasn't turned from my pushing yet a c-section is getting to be a more solid possibility. I am more mad and scared now. At this point it is 10 pm and my mother comes into the room. I am buck naked, exhausted, my head hangs into my chest as I sit in the pushing position. "They want to c-section me" is the first thing I say to her. She asks me if I would like to put clothes on. No, I want to do this naked. I don't tell her that this whole birthing thing is to me the closest I can get to feeling like an animal, which obviously humans are, and this is the way I am doing it. Stacey tells me that I am going to push him out. That I can do it. She has seen dead-end cases. Women so tired they just give up and give in. She sees that is not me. Between Stacey, Chris, and my Mom, I have a great team. And for some reason I find endless reserves of energy. I block out my exhaustion and I push even when people have stepped from the room. I watch the printout of the contractions, and when they hit their peak I push to high heaven. I know I am making progress when my ass feels about to rip open. Stacey had me lay back and she checks me. With genuine excitement she tells me she can feel his head. Chris holds one leg, Mom holds the other, and I push against them. I push so hard I see space, stars and galaxies and all. I think about aneurysms and blood clots. I wonder if I am about to die. After a few pushes that come from a force greater than the Santa Ana winds, I see his head in the mirror. He has little tiny hairs all over his head. Chris begins a shrill excited refrain. "I can see him I can see him baby he's almost here you can do it!" My Mom is making little yelps and encouragements. I push again, and he crowns. The fucking (yes, I didn't like this woman) doctor is apparently having a drink down the hall or something, despite knowing I was close, and it takes her about 3 mins to get in the room, put on her gloves, and walk over. "HELP ME!" I yell at her over and over again. They were telling me not to push, that the doctor had to catch the baby. Sure, I will not push while this head just sits here destroying ever semblance of my former vagina. Thanks. Finally she gets down there and I am allowed to push. I close my eyes and concentrate. I push as hard as I can and the head comes out, or so I am told. I push again and someone yells that a shoulder was out. I push again and I feel enormous relief.
He is out. He is on the table and he gives a cry. Chris and I look at each other and begin to spontaneously erupt into uncontrollable crying and indiscernible animal noises. Holden is placed on my chest. He hair was slightly matted with blood and he had some in the folds of his face. But he doesn't smell bad or look crunched up or anything. He looks like the perfect combination of Chris and I. He has Chris's eyes and my nose. My bottom lip and his top. His chin and my facial shape. After his one cry he looks around, observing everyone. He doesn't panic and go wild like most infants you see on birthing shows. He just kinda looks around taking in the world. After some time they place him on the warmer and get his weight. He is a lucky baby: 7 lbs, 7 ounces, lucky 7s. 20 inches long. A big baby. If he had gone to his due date, or as predicted, over his due date, he would have been over 8 lbs. It was utter chaos in the room with the doctor rushing in, so I am not sure if 11.45 is really his official time of birth. But we are going with that. I had said this whole pregnancy I wanted a May baby. He was 15 mins from a May baby. And the rebelliousness starts! Haha. Actually I've always wanted a baby born on the last day of the month or the first, whichever. So that works too. ;) Yes, I am weird with numbers.

He is a perfect angel. A very content baby aside from when he is getting his diaper changed or is awake and wanting to be held and not being held. He already can pick up and turn his head and he rolled over on his side in his crib. He is going to be a handful. It is hard to get frustrated even when he is being fussy, though. He opens his huge blue eyes and stares you down. Everyone we meet talks about how beautiful and calm he is. We have such a lovely little soul in our lives!

Ok I am getting tuckered out....will post more of the last 4 days in a bit.

Mama for real!