Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Salad Days

I love that phrase and it is appropriate so yay I get to use it. These are salad days! Holden and I napped, read and ate throughout the morning. This was after he went to sleep for almost 6 hours straight last night! I actually woke up terrified and ran in and checked to make sure he was still breathing. Bad move, since I stirred him from sleep. But whatever, I was paranoid.

He will be a month old tomorrow. I really can't believe how quickly the time has gone and how much he and I and Chris have changed in such a short time. We have adjusted to one another and our new house. Holden has gone from a blob (albeit, cute blob) to a giggling, smiling, observing joy. He still melts down and we are still getting him used to hanging out while not being held (which is his favorite activity, snuggling) but he is doing so great on the sleep front and on developing a comfort with the things around him. I love the new noises he makes. Today it was sort of a coo after he smiled.

Today we strolled on down to the park and he didn't freak out once in his stroller, which is new. He absolutely loves being outdoors and it immediately calms him. We sat on a picnic bench and looked around for a while until some shady dude walked into the bushes near us and kept coughing regularly. I didn't want to bust his crops so we left. The geese had a few more stray eggs hanging in the park and they were totally ignoring them and hanging out with their duck posse. Poor eggs. Now Holden is still chillaxin in his stroller near me looking around. ( I love when he just hangs out in new environments and is ok with it.

Gluttonous Sultanfus

Holden is passionate about keeping it weird

Evening activities

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