Saturday, November 29, 2008

Belly 17 weeks, 2 days

Total weight gain: 1 pound? I think the rest is shrinking while the belly grows. I don't really get it but don't know what else to do but eat? Grrrr. Without my Jack Daniels I'm not sure how to put on the calories. Haha.

Had good talk today with loved ones. About to go on walk then to coffee house and work on research paper. Snork you be moving around like tiny dancer.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Catching up


My goodness it has been a long time since I have last posted. Not sure where to start.

Well, how about the emergency room? The night before Thanksgiving I came down with a horrendous bladder infection. It was just this immediate, intense pain and it sucked so badly. I called the emergency dr's line and they said they wouldn't call in an Rx without being seen, but guess what? All the walk-in clinics and dr's office were closed for two days bc of Thanksgiving. Fantastic. So we ended up going to the ER, getting Macrobid after senseless poking and prodding, waiting, unnecessary tests, and of course, a pelvic exam. Um, why is it that every doctor thinks that your vagina is the problem? I have a bladder infection. Bladder. The pisstest came back positive. Why would we assume anything else was a problem? It was a lot of unnecessary bs but at least Chris was there with me to read articles about ghost hunting from the outdated magazines in the room and look awkward while some lady climbs inside my netherregions. While in the room I was wondering if people had died in it. Or if people in really bad condition went straight to the ICU? Like if the view I had laying down on the bed was the last anyone had ever seen. And if so, it really distressed me that the light above the bed had dust all over the metal arm anchoring it to the ceiling.

The baby hates the doppler. They put it on my belly to test for the fetal heart tones and there was the CRASH WHOOSH sound that blares out when he twists away from it. I think it makes a high-pitched noise or something. I felt him move as we heard that noise. That was cool. Oh did I say I have been feeling the baby? I have! It is like someone blowing bubbles up at my skin every now and then. I think I might have said that. Also, we find out for sure on 12/10 if the baby has a penis or vagina. It is going to be weird if it's a girl and I have to totally retrain my brain to think of the baby as a girl.

I can now feel him move when I press down on the tummy skin! It was the only good part of the ER night. I was laying in bed at 4.30 am after getting back and totally feeling horrible and I pressed on my stomach and he pressed back. I felt him! It cheered me up. Especially since the night not only contained pain and exhaustion but also family drama.

Yesterday, Thanksgiving, Chris made brisket (we aren't big turkey fans) and potatoes and broccoli casserole. It was so yummy. I was feeling very bad yesterday and I was glad he took care of things. I felt like I had the flu on top of the bladder stuff. I think it was from being up so late in the ER. I just can't be under that kind of stress and exhaustion when pregnant. It literally incapacitates me.

Hmm what else. Saw Nada Surf at Emo's and they rocked. Had an idyllic time with Daddy in small town TX, Gruene. We talked for hours by the river with my head in his lap and ate a wonderful dinner outside. The weather was perfect.

Animals crazy as usual. Miette has been sleeping like a person:


Belly, Inc

ps I realize I talked about you in third person during this entry. Sorry. Mwah.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Morning Hair Nest and Belly

Belly is finally growing! 15 weeks, 4 days preggo. For your viewing pleasure!

If I lean back it makes it really stand out...hehe. Still can't believe that that rotating baby image on my blog is the size you where you fitting?

Happy Sunday from the clan!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Little Fish Big Fish Swimming In The Water


I think that I've been feeling you move since Thursday. Every now and then I get this garbly fish-swimming-in-belly feeling. It is usually in the evening. It is amazing. Like little trails of lights you see in your eyes after bright fireworks. Hopefully this means that you are a night owl like mom and dad. Thank goodness.

Had a great time since Daddy's return on Thursday night. I saw Candace on Friday and it was so lovely. We went around to various Austin stores looking for baby shower gifts for her friend who is having a little girl. Her hair is all long and wild! She is an amazon warrior and I <3 her. I got you a tiny outfit of whales swimming in surf. If we decide to name you Jonah this will be quite fitting. Today Chris and I walked Miette around in the park in her ski jacket and she made some people swoon. Then we got a whale t-shirt for my burgeoning belly and for your namesake. I will take pic of it in a bit and post. For now, look at the new trick that Sprout has learned:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

View from the art get lovely shot of Chris carrying my purse about in public (the brave warrior did it all over the city because of my delicate condition...It was his idea! Mwah)

Did some power walking in Golden Gate Park and saw crazy loons.

Daddy in stinky outhouse haha. He gave me a preview of what your surly teenager look will be like.

Exploratorium (best name EVER)

Man after my own heart hides behind bushes and jumps out to scare passerbys. Sweeeet.

Some Flowers In Your Hair


Had the most amazing time in San Francisco. Daddy and I got to see barking sea lions (got a sea lion ornament!), huge beautiful trees, small seaside towns, the wonderful and talented Uncle Frank, science museum, art museum, and overall spend time cuddling and keeping warm in freezing weather! Not really freezing but quite cold for our little Texan hearts. Here are some pictures and video (if it works):

This was our last night in San Fran and I had a lovely steak dinner at a pier-side restaurant and Chris had another bowl of something stinky that smelled like the sea.

View from our hotel room.

Plump tree squirrel

Young museum's Aztec humping chihuahuas (flash went off on accident, scandalous)

Like this painting:)

Foggy Golden Gate Bridge....spooky

Me in nook having tea in Half Moon Bay

Uncle Frank in front of Berkeley's graduate library

Girl at Exploratorium (Chris's favorite site) dissecting a cow eyeball

I planted my lollipop in the hotel's garden. Isn't it pretty?

I like this coffee cup:)

It is not letting my attach videos. Let me try another posting.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Last One

Obama's speech was so incredible! He was speaking to 200,000 people and everyone was completely mesmerized. He used the example of a 106 year old woman to detail all the triumphs and challenges of the last 100 years and complimented the root of the American people as being idealistic and full of hope and faith. Even if this is all a load of crap for a good speech, the fact that he is successful at inspiring a nation that has been fractured and bitter for so long and turn them into a group of wide-eyed hopefuls is soemthing incredibly special. I am so glad that I got to see him when he was just a fledging rallying in Austin, and can't wait to tell you about the energy and excitement that was there and is magnified by 100000000infinity tonight.

We Won!!!

It is over and Obama won!!!!!! With hopes for a brighter future for you, I jump with joy!!!

McCain gave a great concession speech in the face of screaming bitter republicans. Very respectful and dignified aside from his touting of Palin's promise, hahahaha.

Waiting for Obama's speech. Which as always will be beautiful and I'm sure cause me to cry a bit.

Cult of Personality


You are being made and born into such a changing time in our country's history! It looks like we are going to get our way (you're a boy so you love the color blue, right?) and Obama is going to win! There are so many seats being picked up in the House and Senate and across the country. People are tired of things as they are and a sense of optimism and hope is pervading the country. It is hard not to be a little electrified. The first president of your life is going to be a black dude! You are so hip:) I hope you are dancing around in there happy. Of course it is not a done deal yet but it's looking good!

Are you excited about going to CA to see Daddy? I am! We had such a great weekend being nerds eating chicken teriyaki at the food court and playing Planet Earth DVD board game. We got you the cutest Star Wars's all retro. Hehe. We also went to the annual book fair with the darling Stacey and Russ and your father got me a longhorns spoof shirt that pictures a uterus in the place of the longhorn emblem and says "uterus" below it. It's so great! We got it in 8 sizes too big for when my tummy grows. Which I think is finally starting to happen? Things look slightly off, dunno.

I loved thinking about you today while driving to class and singing to Radiohead. I thought about when you develop senses and can hear me constantly singing and wonder if you will be annoyed or like it. They say that babies will turn toward their mother's voices even as newborns and turn away from a stranger's voice. You can hear me clearer than anyone else because you in the same confines as my vocal chords! You hear me better than I hear me. I hope we will always understand each other so well. I particularly was drawn to the end of "You and Whose Army" and repeated it over and over until my croaking voice broke about rushing ethereal ghost horses.

Love you tummers,


Shirts with duck guardians: Claire, Fanny, Calliope