Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cult of Personality


You are being made and born into such a changing time in our country's history! It looks like we are going to get our way (you're a boy so you love the color blue, right?) and Obama is going to win! There are so many seats being picked up in the House and Senate and across the country. People are tired of things as they are and a sense of optimism and hope is pervading the country. It is hard not to be a little electrified. The first president of your life is going to be a black dude! You are so hip:) I hope you are dancing around in there happy. Of course it is not a done deal yet but it's looking good!

Are you excited about going to CA to see Daddy? I am! We had such a great weekend being nerds eating chicken teriyaki at the food court and playing Planet Earth DVD board game. We got you the cutest Star Wars onesie...it's all retro. Hehe. We also went to the annual book fair with the darling Stacey and Russ and your father got me a longhorns spoof shirt that pictures a uterus in the place of the longhorn emblem and says "uterus" below it. It's so great! We got it in 8 sizes too big for when my tummy grows. Which I think is finally starting to happen? Things look slightly off, dunno.

I loved thinking about you today while driving to class and singing to Radiohead. I thought about when you develop senses and can hear me constantly singing and wonder if you will be annoyed or like it. They say that babies will turn toward their mother's voices even as newborns and turn away from a stranger's voice. You can hear me clearer than anyone else because you in the same confines as my vocal chords! You hear me better than I hear me. I hope we will always understand each other so well. I particularly was drawn to the end of "You and Whose Army" and repeated it over and over until my croaking voice broke about rushing ethereal ghost horses.

Love you tummers,


Shirts with duck guardians: Claire, Fanny, Calliope

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