Wednesday, June 30, 2010

July 1, 2010: Will Tonight be the Night?

Soooooo. Things are progressing. I think.

TMI ALERT! Sorry this is more an account for my memory so enjoy!

Monday I had appointment and was told I was at a 3 cm and he could feel the head. Not only that, but he said he could wiggle the head. I indeed felt Casey's body moving a bit in correlation with his wiggle. It hurt, even though it was kinda neat. Later that day I had bloody mucusy stuff but not much (he warned me that blood would probably be the result of the exam). The next day I lost a big chunk of my mucus plug, and today two more big pieces. The last two nights I have had timeable pains, I THINK contractions. But nothing to send me rushing to the hospital. Plus I am still really congested and a bit intimidated by the idea of going through labor with my head full of snot. Yes, there is snot emerging from all orifices.

The Webers rushed here after our appointment on Monday and this was their second day in town. It's been so nice having them here.

I spend my days with butterflies in my stomach thinking of when he will be here. It's like being a kid and waiting for Disney World trip to arrive. Nearly exactly like that.

Thinking tonight could be the night. Or hoping. If not tonight I hope he hangs in there for the 4th. The 1st or the 4th are good solid birthdays.

Oh I felt something! Little man knocking. Rita and I got mani/pedis and I thought for sure my water would break out in public haha. But no. I got sparkly blue toenails to make me happy during the awful pushing!

Mama to two

Saturday, June 26, 2010

13 DAYS (until due date)!

That is all. Oh, and still sick. Hoping full moon fever doesn't kick little one out.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sinus Infection

Ears feel stuffed with the both the ocean and a rack of knives.

Molars feel rotted to the root.

Face feels as if trampled by herd.

Apparently it's a sinus infection. Am on antibiotics and feeling like utter utter utter dog shit in the sun.

Please Casey Finn, hang in there until mama is better.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On being Sick and Sickeningly Grateful

37 weeks, 4 days. All bets are off. Casey Finn could emerge at any moment. Normally at this point in pregnancy the mother is jumping backwards, drinking castor oil, shooting primrose tea, walking 10 miles a day and doing unmentionables to coax the baby out.

I on the other hand, despite feeling like a miserable whale of a human being and infinitely sad for my 13-month-old who wants to get into everything and go everywhere (we are not on the same page with that), am not anxious for this little man to emerge. I am sick as a dog.

I have somehow existed this entire pregnancy with no illness aside the pregnancy-related variety. And now, with every next moment containing the possibility of going into labor, I come down with this ghettoass illness. It feels like the flu, without the fever. So most likely it is just a horrible virus that is hopefully not too serious. But for someone in their last weeks of pregnancy herding a toddler, it is virtually a death sentence.

A week ago I was Wet Jetting the floors every night before bed. Such was my nesting. Now I am lucky if I can make my tissue land in the basket.

This means that my impossibly gorgeous and virtuous man has assumed pretty much all duties of the household. He works, he comes home to help me in the afternoon, he cooks, cleans, then goes back to work for hours in the night. I find him creeping in like a hollowed-out shell in the middle of the night. Does he complain? No.

I know it's practice for what will be the even tougher part of having a newborn and a toddler coexisting in the same roof. But it's hard.

Yet I am so so grateful. For having a soulmate who is the strongest and most loving person I know. Who I can count on to be there for me and our children. Watching him with Holden is the most peaceful, right thing my soul has ever experienced. I love our family. I can't wait to meet our new son (who has permanently wedged his elbow into my ribs but I get him back by my epic sneezes that scare him silly). Oh and I can't wait to not be sick.

Other than that, we are watching the World Cup around here and I am learning all sorts of things about how annoying South African instruments are. Oh, and about the football itself, which is pretty cool too. England and US both play tomorrow and we are anxious to see if they both advance (hopefully). Oh and finishing that nursery (still), which I am doubting will be "finished" before little one makes his cameo. But that's ok. We have what we need.

Mama and also Mama-to-be

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Things You Never Thought You or your Man Would Say (ongoing post)

Kelly, Today: "No, don't kick your poop!"

Chris, Yesterday, Through Baby Monitor Unaware he's being Overheard: "Now that's one clean butt (cha cha cha) yes that's one clean butt (cha cha cha)!"

Chris, 6.26: "You're not supposed to poop in the water."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Day's Stream of Consciousness

1) It's morning time for realz? What is that sound? A seagull? Wait, I'm in landlocked Texas. Oh, that is the baby crying. I see. What does the baby want? Food. (nudge male) It's his turn right? Right.

2) Holy crap what time is it? Almost 11 pm! Oh how I love love love that man of mine and his Saturday excursions with the boy to breakfast and the playground. Why is it I can nap but I can't sleep at night anyway?

3) Why isn't Chris answering my texts or the phone? Something awful must have happened. My request for him to bring me home Dippin Dots surely warranted a reply? The baby must have fallen and lost an eye on the playscape. Panic. Panic.

4) They are here. Oh thanks goodness. Oh no, an overtired baby. Please sleep. Please?

5) He brought a slice of pizza but no Dippin Dots. 7 out of 10. At least this garlic roll makes his enviable trip to the movie theatre to watch the World Cup and drink beer palatable. Wait what is that sound? The baby! It has been 45 mins of nap, not his best. Uh oh, that is not a good recharge. I see grouchiness ensuing.

6) Look at that kid shake his butt to the Beatles. He's fantastic. He's my utter world.

7) Why am I being yelled at by my world? Let's go swing and play at the water table. Must get bug spray. Must make sure bug spray is applied to all areas due to tenacious mosquitos. Should I put the sunscreen on before or after the bug spray? I can never figure this out?

8) I am going to have TWO of these guys. That is awesome. Wait that is going to be so freaking hard! How do people get through the doors with a double stroller? How will I nurse Casey with Holden running about? How how how?

9) I have less than 4 weeks to my due date. WTF.

10) Chris is definitely tipsy after the World Cup viewing. Totally not fair. Is he really mowing the lawn? Nice. MUI: mowing under the influence.

11) At the park and enjoying watching my son and his father play in the fountain. Wait, Did that guy really just let his two huge labs run into the park kid's splash fountain, drink the water, and shake their hair dirt and bugs all over the place? Yes he did. "That's freaking gross" did I say that aloud? Yeah I did. And wtf there is even a sign that says 'no pets allowed. Good work asshole. Time to take the boys home.

12) Grouchy boy, tired man. Feed them. Put the smallest to bed.

13) Why is my little gnome so upset??? This cry seems weird. It is either super tired or super pained. But the tone is one I don't recognize. Maybe it is both? It seems to be somewhat rhymthic in its undulations. Oh what if he ate something indigestible during the day and he's bleeding internally? What if it's just teeth? Teething drops, Orajel. Oh it worked. Thank you god for small favors.

14) It is Saturday night and I find myself itching to clean. Back is hurting. Do I really want to sweep and Wetjet? Why yes, yes I effin DO!

15) Is that a FLY on my glistening Swiffered floor? Oh hellllllll no. Why why why must summertime in Texas be full of such nasty pests just waiting to invade your home? Must kill.

16) Ouch. back. make sad face to appeal to male's protective instincts. There we go, there is that footrub.

17) Which is more of a bitch to put back on? The duvet or the Snoogle's pillowcase? Inquiring minds want to know.

18) Ahhh sweet bed. Sweet new book "Her Fearful Symmetry" given to me by sweet sister. And a sweet cuddle to watch "Shutter Island" otherwise affectionally known as "Shitter Island."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

34 freaking days holy S*%T

Kitchen painting: completed.
Casey letters: created and finished thanks to me! i think i like them even better than the letters i made for holden!
Bassinet: assembled (thank you Jaime!)
Crib: shipped (thank you Webers!)
Nursery and Master bedroom painting: Not begun
Double Stroller: Purchased (thank you McAloon's!)
Animals: Alive, sadly
Hospital Bag: Packed (with $100 of .99 travel accessories might I add wtf
Spree: Attained (THANK YOU ELLEN!)
Quote for the Nursery: "Listen to the mustn't, child, listen to the don'ts, listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts, listen to the never haves, then listen close to me anything can happen, child. Anything can be. ~ Shel Silverstein"
Baby's Progress: 34 days left. 0 dilation :( Low.
Holden: Dancing.

Love this expression

The inspiration for the tree Chris is painting in Casey's Nursery

Pensive before his shots. He never has to get chicken pox lucky goose!

Holden's first painting. He really took to it; it was amazing to watch him.

My lovely new journal inspired by Casey's decor. Gorgeous thick letter with little holes in it like tree trunk knots.

Letters and a sneak peek of the boy2 in my belly

Holden laughs at my huge tummy then tells me it's big!

His first taste of peanut butter, and he didn't even go into allergic arrest!