Thursday, September 17, 2009


I caught a few rough hi's on vid! please excuse camera work, i wasn't looking through the lens and ended up filming last night's dishes instead of the baby for the most part. whoops on both counts!

Sprout Tickles Holden's Tummy

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Boy Speaks!


What an utter genius. He has been babbling and trying different tones but today he was definitely repeating "HI!" to me. Courtney verified that it was indeed a real word and I trust her because she's heard first words from three little ones! I was so excited I was crying little tears and my heart was racing like I was being chased but by something wonderful.

Today has just been so fun. Holden is such a happy, smart baby. I feel so lucky to have him in my life. I just wish that Daddy was around this week to hang with us...but vacation starts Saturday and I can not wait to see both sets of Grandparents AND have a couple of days sans baby with Chris in NM! Some Vids of the day (I will try to get him saying HI and post that too):

Holden in his Lab with cameo by Bug Man:

Here he is laughing at me and I got a bit of him repeating words to me but it's not the HI of which I speak...

And later we played with Miette and Holden got a total kick out of her crazy butt (love how she tries to get her hotdog to hump her):

Monday, September 14, 2009

it dont mean a thing if it aint got that swing

holden took his first swing at the park! he barely cleared the seat but he enjoyed it! :)

he also had a lot to say later about either the taste of bananas or his father being out of town...he's trying so hard to talk it makes me so proud but sad bc i bet it is frustrating!

Friday, September 4, 2009

sleeping angel

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Holy Guacamole!

So the Bomb has had rice cereal for 2 months now, but that is not real food...more like bland mush. We got the hell yeah from the ped to give him fruits and veggies and so naturally we started him on Chris's fav...avocado! It is a good first food...nutritious and low risk of allergies. Although according to Rita it will turn his poo flourescent green, so we shall see if there is a lovely surprise in store in the AM.

Overall the avocado was a huge success! It was amazing to watch the range of expressions on his little face...surprise, uncertainty, enjoyment, excitment. He has been eyeing our "real person food" enviously for a while now so he was certainly ready for it. It was awesome how quickly he wanted to grab at the spoon and the excited little coos he made (the same one he makes when he looks at his hot girlfriend: the Sears Portrait model baby).


First bites

Excited coos and daddy bites

Array of expressions (you'll notice we forgot the bib haha):




Post-avocado accomplished

Happiness and yumz

Fascination Street

So apparently my preggo hormones are officially gone (which Chris should be happy about) because I am shedding all over the place. It is worse than the adorns the floor, couch, pillows, fans, clothes, everything. I just hope it stops before I need a weave.

I started looking back through old pics and video today and found some from the day of the birth that I haven't seen in so long, or at all. I uploaded a bunch of my things right after I got home from the hospital and didn't really have time to absorb them in the haze of new parenthood. So looking back on them now, 4 months later, is a pure nostalgic (bittersweet) delicacy. I can't believe that my little boy is 4 months old. In a blink he will be going to his first day of school, slamming the door because I don't let him see his girlfriend one Saturday night. Sigh.

I found this video, that Chris took right after our baby was awe and sniffles. It made me cry all anew:

and photos:

Me getting some real contractions

Chris after Tammany came to visit us, bringing Chris sustenance to motor on.

Me and Tammany. Yes, that was post-epidural

Holden and his grapefruit brain. He is still mad about that squeeze, ask Chris.

It's amazing to me that he never looked smushy and alien even right after birth.

My strapping lad.

Ok I need to stop I am getting all maudlin. Blah!

4-Month's Strong

Well da Tode has officially thrived to the 4-month mark and his parents are still breathing. Holden had an awesome doctor's visit- the doctor said he was perfect- and reacted ok to his shots aside from a touch of the grumps for the day. I was a bit annoyed at the fact that they were going to give him his "second" HEP B shot, due to the fact that he already had at the hospital and one at his 2 month visit. They had somehow not referenced their paperwork correctly and thought he had not received a shot at the hospital. How me, a weary mother who just endured a 12-hour labor, remembers this and they don't is beyond me. But I managed to save the little one from an extra dose he did not need.

Today we had a fun day exploring a new place in Austin- the nature center. And we also got some yumz Torchy's Tacos and brought Daddy surprise queso and tacos for lunch.

A creek you can walk and splash in at the Nature Center. Bit too advanced for the Bomb right now.

There is a preschool housed in a cottage from the 1800s! It is beautiful stuff of fairy tales.

Scary tree

Apparently our house is also a wildlife habitat...

Mommy and crabass after shots

H-Bomb's motor skillz are off the chain. He particularly is interested in mastering the holding of his bottle, little hosser.

Such great things coming up including vackay in NM and CA, a new cuz, and a visit from Godmother Ellen!
