Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh the summer nights

I find myself updating my blog less and less these days and to my loyal readers (i know there are three, Tams Ellen and Ethan!), I apologize! I tend to upload H-Bomb pictures to Facebook because it allows you to upload multiple pictures at once, and I rarely have the time or patience to do it one at a time as is required here.

Right now though I am experiencing a rare moment of solitude and I decided to come write in here because writing always makes me feel fantastic. Chris took Holden to the market to get fixins for our dinner tonight, so I am sitting on the patio with a glass of wine, alternating between writing in the blog and chatting with my fav Rita. The cicadas are a nostaglic summer cacophony. Things are peaceful and I feel very grateful to be experiencing a summer with our new boy in our new house. It is sweltering these days but somehow the heat adds to the ambience of this time in our lives. Sort of a stark extreme of this season of our lives. And we have a barbeque thanks to Rita and David! Holden's Keep- our own bed and breakfast- is complete.

Out of necessity and also languishment, we spend a great deal of our time living in the present moment and this is a good thing. Still we find ourselves pondering the planning of our futures. Namely, when to craft a sibling for Holden, the pros and cons, with the main considerations being my loving being a mother and also wanting to continue working in not too far of the future. We also want the kids close in age. There are obvious pros and obvious cons, but all of it is umbrelled under an intense love for one another and a joyous appreciation for our little man. He is just such an incredible, laughing, squealing little bundle of goofiness and beauty. I'd love another exactly like him. I love that he's just a perfect combination of Chris and I and that at certain angles he is all McAloon and at others all Weber. But I'd also love a little girly considering how outnumbered I am by testosterone. In all honesty an ideal lineup would be boy-boy-girl. I just never have seen a brother relationship where the boys are close in age. I'd love to see that sort of camraderie...but maybe I've watched a bit too much "A River Runs Through It." Hm.

Things are going great and Chris is in town for another two weeks then we go on the boat and Beach with Lesley and her gorgeous little family. Then McAloons are coming to visit and hopefully my siss-piss too!

Mama Kelly

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh good lord Mom why?!

Holden got his 2-month shots today. He was such a good boy the entire time. He was smiling and cooing and dancing. Showing his immense devotion for me with intense soul gazes. The doctor said he is doing perfectly and to not change anything, though he is following his father's baby pattern of doubling his birth weight in two months instead of the usual four. He is 13 lbs, 8 oz. Big boy!

After the doctor left the evil nurse came in. I held his hands and put my face up close to stare into his eyes and then WHAM. He turned eggplant in a nanonsecond. He was so freaking shocked at this sudden violation that he opened his mouth into the scream of his life, was so overcome with rage and despair, that nothing came out of his mouth. Just an eggplant face with an open mouth and balled up fists. Then he worked that out and let loose the sonic hounds of hell. Poor little man. But he was so sweet, I held him to my chest and told him what a brave boy he was and he calmed quickly and just sniffled. We don't have to go back for another 2 months thank goodness.

Daddy has been away in Houston since Monday but he returns tomorrow. We can't wait to see him and get some much deserved snuggles.

Holden in happier times. Chris and Holden and I made up a song on the keyboard and recorded it. Holden likes to dance to it in his Purple Rain chair but gets frustrated when he can't reach forward to grab his feet (which is his new favorite game):

And showing off his Sunrise Special: