Tuesday, March 30, 2010

11 months!

i can't believe my little boy will be a year old in a month. he's popped another tooth (his 7th) in celebration. as is his personality, i didn't even know he was teething until i saw the little whitecap.

here he is "blowing raspberries" on chris's tummy. chris blows raspberries on his tummy every night and he was out for revenge.

and cracking up at the fact that i sneezed simultaneously with him

Thursday, March 25, 2010


can't sleep. looking back on old pictures. this one just really struck me as so beautiful. and scary...oh the exhaustion! still, i can't can't wait.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Holden got his first fever! Scare my hair! Seems it was just Roseola- a kind of virus in the herpes family ewwww! Must have picked it up during his first train ride. Or from that questionable lady Rosie down the block.

He has head-to-toe rash of the non-itch variety:

But you wouldn't know. My little champ just smiles and cuddles hardcore! Here he is in his bath tonight cracking up at my spitting his toys out at him like a dragon.