Saturday, May 23, 2009

For every kiss you give me, I'll give you three

We have had a great couple of days. Holden has been more and more interested in hanging out and looking around, rather than eating, sleeping, pooping, crying in standard newborn form. We have had some great walks and talks in the park at night (until Holden's crying woke the neighborhood dogs and set them a'howling) and today we met up with Julie and John at the wine festival. We had a great time with HC in Daddy's Bjorn until it starting pouring rain and lightning. Sylvia, Julie's baby, and Holden, were ushered by the kindly winery owners into the back of the tent so they would be dry. We still found ourselves standing in a river of water that careened over electrical wires. It was unexpectedly terrifying but Daddy hatched a great plan and sprung us free admist the storm. I had Holden in the Bjorn with towels over him and an umbrella and Chris had his arm around me and a trashbag on. The baby made it out dry and promptly thanked us with a poo that I got to change in the back of the car. Sounds like it would be a disaster but we found ourselves laughing and making memories anyway.

Onto the important news...sleep. Last night we put Holden in his miracle blanket and then into his carseat. He slept for 4.5 hours!!! I woke up worried about him 2 hours into it, so I still didn't get awesome sleep. It's funny, I never would have thought I'd allow him to sleep anywhere but his crib...but in an effort to nab every Z we can we will resort to pretty much anything. Except co-sleeping. We did that for 2 weeks and no more. It lends itself to awful sleep. The carseat in the other room will work for now. We will transition him over to his crib when he is old enough to be sleep-trained and cry it out (I know, what evil people that we are planning to do this to him, right?). That is around 3 months.

He will be a month old on Thursday! I can't believe how quickly this time has gone by. It has been exhausting and the hardest thing I have ever done. But still we have cemented such great memories and such a textured new life with our little man. Every day things become a little more comfortable and routine, which works for me as I thrive in that environment.

Some pictures:

Julie and John and rain

A poor lone goose egg made me sad

Sleepy HC

Miette hurt her nail and caught a ride home in the BeirCarten.

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