Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's such a gorgeous sight, to see you eat in the middle of the night

Holden slept 2 five hour stretches last night! Thank the lord. It is hard for me to sleep though anyway, I always have one eye (ear?) open.

We successfully made it through our first day with Chris at work. Of course, he came home at lunch to see how we were. He made me a sandwhich then changed a poopy diaper and put him in the car for me. I am forever amazed at how good a man he is. I just can't imagine doing this with anyone else. I am so lucky for such a beautiful (and sultry!) soul. And I am lucky that my son has his beautiful eyes and arched eyebrows. Even when Holden is squawking I can't stop gaping at those perfect eyebrows. They crush me.

Holden and I ventured to Walmart and the bank. First public outing sans father. Holden had a stage 2 meltdown in Walmart, rightfully so. It sucks there and it smells.

Here he is dancing to his favorite song. He absolutely adores Neil Young. Good baby. Sometimes this song is the only thing that calms him down, like when I filmed this video. He particularly enjoys the guitar solo, as you shall see by his dancing.

God I love this kid so much it grinds me to bits.

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