Sunday, May 24, 2009

La Conception

Chris just said this aloud. He is reading to Holden. I am not sure if this is G material but it makes me chuckle regardless. He also said Fuente and is using a Spanish accent. It's pure awesomeness.

We are having a lazy Sunday after our dramatic day yesterday. Grandparents Weber are coming up in a few weeks, yay! They are helping out when Chris leaves for the first time for work out of town, boo! We can't wait to see them. I wonder how much different Holden will look to them since they last saw him a few days old? Even now his little face seems so much more adult like and alert.

I woke up this morning (ok afternoon, baby was up late even though he still managed 4 hour stretches in his car seat hehe) and had such an overwhelming feeling of excitement, rightness, and contentedness, that I felt like I did when I was a kid and had something super exciting coming a birthday trip to Disney World. These are trying times but beautiful times. Chris was a bit more grouchy. Holden wasn't as easy on him during the second sleep shift.

I put Holden in one of Auntie Lesley's gifted outfits: red suspenders with airplanes on them. It is so cute even if he feels a bit silly about being in a jumper!

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