Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gigantic, Gigantic, A Big Big Love

Holden, baby, little one, snork, smudge,

It has been so long since I have written you. Grandma Weber pointed this out a few days ago when we were in Ruidoso visiting your gramps and grams. We had the most wonderfulest time ever. It was sort of a spontaneous vacation. We ate, a lot. We had a scrumptious brunch at a haunted hotel in CloudCroft, that is frequented by a ghost named Rebeka. Everyone drank mimosas. I drank water that had a large lemon slice in it that I carefully extracted. This is the town from which all your lovely, antique-looking wooden toys originated. There was a half off sale at a toy store and Grandma and Grandpa bought you a load of super cute puzzles, magnets, pull toys, bugs in bags, and more. This was after getting you seriously the most adorable two outfits I have ever seen. I will post pictures of them in a following entry, they involve hats though:) I will also post pictures of the most gorgeous necklace in the world, that Daddy got me. It is my Neverending Story/Sci Fi Princess necklace of opals.

I know I have mentioned before how much love surrounds you already and I can't emphasize it enough. Your father's parents are two of the most loving and generous people I have ever known in my life. They love you so much it makes them smile like kids to feel you squirm in my belly. They also gave us a gift toward the downpayment of Holden's Keep, our first home. I really have no idea how to express gratitude for selflessness to such a magnitude, particularly in such difficult economic times, but I know their love for you and Chris and Me and our reciprocal love back is enough.

We returned from NM yesterday and left today for Galveston. The cats are not happy. Onion seems to be a stress-eater. We left half a bag of food for them for 4 days and upon our return it was gone and Onion is large as a house. Normally Onion is a polite eater and Sprout is a tank. It seems that under times of duress, like his owners' absence, he gorges. Miette has been partying with Uncle Andrew. It has been weird to wake up without the crotch dwelleruaua. But we had to leave regardless because Daddy is presenting at a huge conference this week! Aren't we so proud?

...At the moment it is 5.30 am, an ungodly hour that I am sure I will be up rocking out with you at, and Daddy is finding every available item to make noise with. I have heard foil rustling, plastic bag crinkling for minutes, water running, you name it. He is leaving early for conference-related....

Didn't finish that sentence. It is now 3.30 pm and I just got back from the pool. It appears that the sun has finally come out, just as I get upstairs. Grr. It was still fun though. I got to turn on my belly and make little flips and float. As I float I thought of being a kid in the pool, floating on my back and squinting at the clouds and the sun under a veil of watery silence, allowing love and hope and faith in goodness to bouy me up. I channeled into that today while floating, and did my best to sink it all down to you. There was a dad with his three kids in the pool and they were playing all sorts of fun games. All of them were laughing in that unselfconscious way of children and parents in love. Their mother read in a lounge chair, smiling the whole time. I can't wait!!! The pool rules said "Those who can not swim or under the age the 14 shall not enter pool." It amused me that our culture still uses "shall" as this biblical scary directive. On a pool sign, no less.

Tonight we are going to a free dinner for all conference attendees and their guests. It is inside the Aquarium Pyramid which is right across from the hotel. I can't wait to see the sealife and eat some good grub.

Such good things abounding this spring! There is your arrival which in 3 short weeks is full-term, and the house. and also my loved ones. Chris is rocking work and this conference, Tammany was accepted to graduate school, Ellen is getting a big promotion! I am so happy that there is so much hope and happiness abounding.

Ok, I do need to get ready to go so I am going to be signing off for now. I will continue updating laterz.

My Bauble

34 weeks preggo. Your house.

Your house part two.


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