Monday, March 30, 2009

How you've turned my world, you precious thing


Sorry about the raised voice. Your dad and I were arguing the benefits veracity of an energy star washer/dryer (I think they are worth the initial investment, he does not). It is one of those events that in hindsight are ridiculous, but in the moment you dig your heels in and goddamit it's all you see. Daddy is now at the grocery store collecting our food stuffs. In retaliation for the w/d conflict, I texted him a huge list of items, some difficult to find, and not in an order categorized to the store's organization. For instance I had two bakery items but they were separated by 20 items or so. So he has to circle back across the store if he is going down the list in order. Evil, I know. Much like David Bowie on the crazy staircases at then end of Labyrinth, which is where this title comes from.

Aside from that we are spending an exorbitant amount of time playing Resident Evil 5. Last night we were up until 3 am. Not fun for Chris, who has to get up early for work. But he really had to beat that large Mothra thing and who am I to stop that kind of do-gooding? Besides, we won't have this kind of college-like whittling away of time after you burst onto the scene, so we are living it up.

Anyway, happy time pictures:

This one is my favorite so it is first. Rita, most glorious creature in all of world, sometimes is a little clumsy. Like whilst on edge of mountain. Thankfully she had her son there to hold her up and I had my camera to capture her in action.

Me and psycho holiday bear at Rebekah's Hotel.

I'd say I like this bc it is Chris with Sprout. But mainly I just love his Kurt Cobain bone structure.

Chris in attire for convention before he rocked it. I was taking a picture from the depths of sleep.

A very nice picture of Rita and Chris, sure-footed.

Condemning evidence that Chris DOES INDEED love my huge preggo pillow. Not able to complain anymore are you, buster?

Chris cleaning the huge high windows:)

David gives his gift for Holden's Keep. THANK YOU GRANDPA!

I thought I was hilarious doing this while pregnant. If you look quickly I look skinny...until you see my bulbous beehive coming out.

Beautiful view from the porch.

Love you,



Anonymous said...

Rita is TOTALLY wearing a snuggie.

Mackadoodle said...

Dude that is what WE said and she refused to admit it!

Ellen said...

what's a snuggie?

ps- my fav is chris sleeping with the preggo pillow but they r all great thanks kells