Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm going to miss your kicks!


I love how in sync we are now. The second I wake up, whether from a nap, middle of one of my many night peepees, whenever, you sense that I am awake and wake up with me and start squirming. Even if I am waking up from a bad dream, or Daddy is away on business and I find myself alone in bed, I am always so comforted to feel you there, reminding me that you are here and we are in this together. I already know that you are more active at night than morning, that you dance to the Talking Heads, Red Hot Chili Peppers, that you like the sound of a cat purring, and that you get hiccups like a sailor (like right now).

I just want you to know that I treasure you so deeply and even just the mere passing of this time that you have grown in my belly is something that I already miss. I can't wait to meet you and show you each and every day just how much you are loved and appreciated.

And for some 29-week belly kicks:

yes, i am regretting that belly button ring...worried the skin bridge above my belly button is going to snap!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

wow that video is amazing! snork is really moving around in there. i like the background noise's so mysterious.