Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wild Turkey

No, not the horrific whiskey. A REAL wild turkey. See, today was my last day of work...indefinitely! I have mixed feelings about it but as so excited about this new chapter in life and meeting and serving you, Master Snork. So yes, there is a wild turkey the roams the TPWD grounds. I have never once seen this vagabond and was alerted to its presence only recently, when a meandering hippie was rambling off about it and I asked someone to piece together what she was talking about. So yes, I am leaving work for the last time, walking in the parking lot. The parking lot is full of cars and the space between two parked cars is narrow and they are tilted, so you can't see down the aisle when you turn to walk between the cars. So I picked an aisle...and run smack dab into the wild turkey! Only she just stood there staring at me...calm, didn't run. Just kind of stared me down and I stared her down. It was a sign, a silver string! Possibly because my dad used to call us kids "turkeys" and now I am leaving one chapter of my life and heading right into my own little turkey. It was very cool. Here the turkey is:

Fantastic! So yes I have a few months before the rest of my life with you in which I can center myself, do yoga, swim, write, and find us a place to live:) It is scary not having a paycheck and not having that validation. But I have faith in myself to choose when it is right for me to work again, and the experience and resolve to make it happen when I choose. For now, the unknown awaits.

Cheers, to you and to Daddy. Who comes home tonight from Baton Rouge after working his butt off all week to get everything done up there so he could be home with us and go to my gestational diabetes test tomorrow. No fun. But I will be ok because he will be with us. Maybe we will have another fun day like we had for his birthday: when I took him to yoga, massage, and lovely italian dinner. As long as it is relaxing I am sure he will appreciate it!

Love you so so much and I can't wait to kiss your perfectly shaped little face.


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