Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Little Birdhouse In Your Soul


Sorry it has been so long since I have written. So much going on and contentment is reigning supreme all about our 'hood.

Well let's see...where to start. We went to Houston and attended the Menil Museum, the Rothko Chapel and the Space Center. All of which were so very enriching in different ways. I really liked the Surrealist painters from the Menil, particularly Magritte. And the Rothko Chapel, a place of meditation and acceptance of all faiths, was dim, completely silent, and the dark paintings on the walls lended themselves to the induction of a deep sense of purpose and contemplation. It was wonderful to sit there and just clear my head, try not to think about anything except attempting to be in this place and this time. At the Space Center we went on an awesome tour of the inner workings of the space center. We learned about the International Space Station, the order of the former President to have us back on moon, and the not so distant future of people on Mars! Craziness. It is interesting b/c we've had rovers on the Mars and the cost to sustain humans on a mission and a temporary settlement out there is going to be so extraordinary that it seems a little unnecessary. I guess I feel somewhat torn about it...I understand that having humans on Mars and all is great but I also think the political agenda behind it is a little stupid, as well as the fact that we could be spending that money on improving the crappy conditions here. Still, we got to see the Mission Command room, which was empty on a Saturday, and the only existing complete and function rocket: the Saturn II. Here are some pictures!

It goes on and on...hard to take a picture of it!

the incredible engine full of worming squiggles of parts. The sheer complexity of this makes me really astonished when considering the capabilities of a human mind.

Miette in space suit. She is training to become the first chihuahua in space.

We have the most hilarious picture we got made of Daddy and I floating superimposed in a space capsule, doing yoga poses. I have to get it out of the car and then I will upload it. :)

Speaking of yoga, I have been enjoying my prenatal yoga. It is gentle and somewhat weird for me to be in a room full of preggos, but I love how calming it is. Apparently Buddhists believe that if you meditate while pregnant you can actually affect the demeanour of your unborn child by making him more calm, tranquil, at peace. During the class we often are told to "send a loving thought to your baby." I always send images. Sometimes of you and I doing stuff I did when I was little: like when I used to stand at the edge of our street, wait for a car to turn onto the adjoining street, then run back to the house to see if I could get to the porch before the car passed our house. I send thoughts of Daddy kissing the roof of your home as you squirm in my tummy. You always seem to be still during these classes, even though I am in crazy positions and now that you have a sense of motion it must be odd for you.

I also attended my first water aerobics class. There were a pack of 10 eldery women and two men. It wasn't as much of a workout as yoga, but it felt so good to be weightless in the water and doing silly things like "leaping lizard" while lunging on noodles in the water. I like being around the old folks too. They are walking collections of a single human life, with all it's successes and failures and loves and losses and all that I have experienced and will experience. I just have so much respect for older people. That is definitely something that I want to cultivate in you, as well as a sense of service to your fellow human beings. Which brings me to the next thing...

Daddy and I went to church today. Yes, church. Crazy, huh? We went to Unitarian Universalist church. It is a creedless church focusing on the values necessary to existing in this world with a belief that it is a place of benevolence, love and good. Today the sermon focused around Karma and being mindful of thoughts and habits that could cause negativity in your life and thus the lives around you. That everything is interconnected and there is cause and effect to your every action. They talked about an old Cherokee story in which an Elder tells a child that there is a constant war in every person. A war of two wolves, one being evil and the good. The definition of evil was that of fear, anger, isolation, greed, and good was love and compassion and acceptance. When the child asked which wolf will win, the elder said "whichever one you feed." They also read a passage by Aldous Huxley! And the weirdest thing....ok the most "silver string" thing that the opening piano piece was the piano piece from "Man on Wire" that we set your ultrasound video to! We couldn't believe this!!!! Freaky but in a good way. Instead of communion like we are used to from our backgrounds, everyone was able to get up and light a candle and send a thought to the universe/god. I lit one for you and I wished for you peace during your lifetime. There was also a portion in the beginning in which all the children were brought to the front, and read a Japanese children's story about a grandmother who weaves strings of yarns together, each being a memory of her life. The children were bunched up in the front, mesmerized and interested in every detail. They were actively a part of the service, and as they walked back into their Religious Education classes, we all sang to them a little song about having peace in your heart and love in your life. Overall, it was a very wonderful experience and Daddy and I are excited to learn more about this particular faith and church and possibly get you involved if we feel connected. They do a lot of help with the community and donate half of what visitors donate to a local nonprofit. Here is the church we attended:

We are also looking at houses/condos in the same area as the church (by coincidence). The area is really wooded and gorgeous with lots of unique Austin-like places to shop and eat. Oddly enough, I think we are both sort of falling in love with the city all over again, now that we are taking advantage of all these new activities and interests.

We are reading "Drood," the new Dan Simmons book! It is about Charles Dickens (love the word dickensian, btw) and whether or not he went compeltely stark raving mad after a train accident and meeting a shady fellow. This is Daddy and I's most favoritest author to read together. We are super excited.

I think that sums up a lot of what has been going for random pictures!

This was our 26th week candle lighting to you. Every time I turn a new "week" pregnant, ie every Thursday, we light take away one of the candles (we are counting it as 40 weeks pregnancy with each candle representing one week left until you arrive) then one of us makes a promise to you and blows out the candles. These are usually simple things, like teaching you how to fish (which still freaks out Dad, as he does not know how to do this craft and thinks you for sure will love it). As you can see Daddy made the candles in an H for you this time, and put up his sign that Grandparents Weber gave him for Christmas that says, "A father is a guy who has pictures in his wallet where once there was money." Hehe.

Perfecting my Angry Mother face while searching on computer with belly in wind after a meal.

And the official belly shot...7 months pregnant! Don't let them fool you, pregnancy is 40 weeks (10 months). But still I am happy that my belly is somewhat contained still. Cat tattoo has started to migrate...

Daddy mid-chew. I just thought he looked so cute here, and with our moving boxes in the back and freaky Onion in the background! :)

We love you love you love you,


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